Career in the Government Sector Jobs Vs Private Sector Jobs: Which is the Best Job?


Career in the Government Sector Jobs Vs Private Sector Jobs: Which is the Best Job?

By last few years, we have been observing that a perpetual growth in the craze for the government sector jobs among the youngsters. In India Middle class people, face the dilemma of whether to go for the private sector job or public sector jobs. In spite of the fact that government jobs offer monetary benefits, people find them more promising and stress free. Every year millions of students prepare competitive examinations and various vacancies that are announced by the government. There are several reasons, behind this increasing obsession for getting an employment in the public sector. We are below specifying, a few reasons behind the prominence of getting an employment in government sector.

Secured Job: There is more employment security in government jobs in comparison to private jobs. In private companies, employees can be suspended or dismissed from the work easily and without being given any notice period and any reason but in the public sector jobs, there is no fear of losing jobs easily until and unless someone has made serious offence.

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Salary Structure: Salary matter a lot for a job seeker (specially private sector job) and affects his or her point of view regarding a job. Previously, candidates were more attracted towards private jobs due to the salary factor but with the introduction of 7th pay commission by government salary in the public sector job have increased manifolds.

Less Work Pressure: In private jobs there is a very high work and time pressure, which every candidate cannot bear, but in the government sector jobs there is less work pressure comparatively private sector job. If in any case the work in the public departments increases, then also employees get enough time to frame the policies and ways to complete it. In some public sector work pressure high.

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Leaves and Perks: No doubt, in private sector job, leave are very less. Employees get so many leaves and holidays in the public sector organizations in comparison to private organizations. They get leaves on almost every festival & occasions and apart from this, several paid leaves are provided to the govt. employees. In addition, employees get a number of perks other than salary like travel allowance, provident fund, medical insurance, bonus, TA, DA etc.

Less Working Hours: Employees have to work for fewer hours in the public departments as compare to private departments. But in some govt. jobs also work hours are more. Working hours are fixed in the govt. jobs, while in the private sector working hour’s increases as the work load increases.

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Increment: Appraisal (Increment) is based on the performance of the employees in the private sector job but there is no such scale for deciding the appraisal of the employees in the public sector. Every year employees avail the increment in the govt. sector as per the rules of the organization. Increment is high in private sector comparatively govt. jobs.

Respectable Job: government employees are treated with respect by the others because of your position & power. There will be several employees working under you, who will give you respect where as respect of the private employee is well but not much more as govt. employee.

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Promotions: The promotion of public sector employee depends on his/her service period, so for more time you work with the govt. the more promotions and reputation you will get. But promotion of private sector employee depends on his/her talent and knowledge.

Time for Family and Friends: As the fixed working hours in the public sector, people get enough time to spend with their friends and family. They find time for their personal chores also which they do not easily get in the private sector. Social life of private sector employee is not better as public sector employees.

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