How to Crack Reasoning Ability Section in SBI PO Examination?


How to Crack Reasoning Ability Section in SBI PO Examination?

SBI PO is one of the most difficult competitive examinations in India. This examination is held every year and lacs of candidates take part in it. The recruitment for this post is done through Preliminary Examination, Mains Examination, and GI/PI. In this article, we are going to suggest some of the tips to the aspirants, by following which they can easily crack the reasoning ability section.

Direction Problems:

When you start solving the reasoning ability section, first hunt for the questions based on directions. These questions are very simple and can be solved in few seconds. Around 5 questions are asked every year from this topic.

Pay Attention to Sentence Coding:

After completing the questions based on direction and clocks, one should move to the questions based on sentence coding. These are also simple in nature and can be solved by applying like mind. From this section 5 questions are framed and by doing them, one can have 10 marks easily in the score, without solving the time consuming questions.

Devote Time to Machine Input:

This section is really time consuming. Firstly they appear simple in nature, but when one start solving these he/she can find it really tricky. So, it is advised to the candidates to leave this section if they find it confusing and move to the other set of questions.

Practice Shortcuts:

As this section is really time taking, one should practice the shortcuts to solve the questions quickly. Through this one can save a lot of time for other sections.

Good English Needed for Data Sufficiency:

One need to be proficient in English language to solve the questions based on this topic. Five questions are asked from this topic, if you are not very good in the language then start reading the sentences slowly. If you get the clearidea about the question then solve it otherwise move ahead to next question.

Practice Seating Arrangement:

Questions from this sections is really a trap for the candidates. To solve these questions one needs to work with logic and to solve it in time one should also do it with speed. If one get the hold of the language and logic behind the questions, then one can get good 10 marks added in their score.

Work with Patience:

One need to be patient in order to avoid making any kind of mistake. Guess work can prove really dangerous for the aspirants as this may result in negative marking.

Solve the Questions Based on Syllogism:

If you know the trick behind the questions based on these topics, then solve them. If you have good practice of Venn Diagrams, then you can solve the questions from this topic easily.

Devote 40-45 minutes to this section:

The key to get success in this examination is accuracy and time management. Students should know that they can not solve 35 questions from this section within 30 minutes. So, they should try to solve English and General Awareness section in less time.

Focus on the Problem:

It is important for the candidates to focus on the problem they are solving. They should have single minded devotion towards the question through this they will be able to solve the question quickly and correctly.

By following all the above tips, one can easily crack the reasoning section in SBI PO.